Too expensive? Think again. We live in a beautiful technological era where a whole plan can be instantly changed at your fingertips, so why not? Many underestimate the financial, timing and resources costs of a mis-planned new construction or renovation project. Architect's plans are conventional and good enough, however, the reality is that many times, during the building or finishing processes, clients realise they left something out or become unsure if the property they have just bought is in fact what they wished for, on plan. What if you take a walk-through around your finished property, already decorated with concept furniture and colour schemes of your choice BEFORE actually works start? Think about all the features you can have changed with just a tap on the screen, and most importantly, while keeping to your budgets. 3D rendering is proven to save between 10-13% of the initial budget which usually ends up in re-works and re-touches, or worse, re-constructions.
3D takes the ability to visualize data which is all around us, data which describes a building, data which describes the objects and components of a building. We bring those together into a platform, and what that enables us to do is to create a language that everyone can understand: because we all understand visual language. Core Project Management is a Maltese company; if I speak to foreigners in Maltese, the chances are they would not understand what I’m saying, but if I show them a picture of the same thing, then they would understand, and that is what we do, as a service that we provide.
What kinds of data does it visualize?
There is something that is commonly called the Building Information Model. BIM is engineering data that describes the structure and the envelope of a building: dimensions, apertures, architecture etc. There are other kinds of data such as soffits, floors, lights, furniture, services… we combine those two things together and the resulting rich environment actually enables people to truly understand what they are dealing with. Take someone with a technical discipline: an engineer or an architect: they would have a very good concept of what an alteration actually means; example: if I say “I am going to move that wall by five metres in this direction”. But if I am a person who is not used to dealing with that kind of information, I might find it very difficult to understand what that actually means in real implementation. A practical example we experienced not long ago involved the planning of a new hospital during which, a nurse, not a structural engineer, pointed out that the design of one of the corridors leading from the Emergency Room to the first operating theatre was not wide enough for two stretchers to be wheeled through. With 3D, we just re-designed that flaw in less than a minute. Imagine what the re-work cost of having to re-design something like that would have been like.